Your inquiry will be sent securely to my encrypted email, kept confidential, and deleted after verification. Please allow 48 hrs for my response. If you prefer to email, please send all the info requested below to meetminabae at proton dot me. Please check your spam folder for my reply if you don’t hear back within 48hrs.

Once a date and time are agreed upon, a retainer and screening information will be requested to secure the date.

This will be our main method of communication.
This is for verification purposes only. I will not text or call. VOIP #s are not accepted.
Tell me a bit about you, your interests, and anything else you’d like me to know about you.
Please provide desired date and time and an alternative
To confirm the booking, a 25% retainer is required.
Screening is mandatory. Please refer to my Policies page for more information. For IDs, please show your name, birthday, and photo. All info is seen only by me and will be deleted after verification.